• The Pets set is a sorting activity targeting categorisation skills, receptive and expressive language. It could also be used to target negation. This set includes:
    •2 sorting boards – one with visual support and one without
    •21 images of pets
    This pack can be combined with other categorisation packs, available on my website. Written in British English Suitable for Early years, Reception, Key Stage 1, SEN, and EAL
  • The Body Parts set is a sorting activity targeting categorisation skills, receptive and expressive language. It could also be used to target negation. This set includes:
    •2 sorting boards – one with visual support and one without
    •19 images of things associated with space.
    This pack can be combined with other categorisation packs, available on my website. Written in British English Suitable for Early years, Reception, Key Stage 1, SEN, and EAL
  • The Where We Work set set is a sorting activity targeting categorisation skills, receptive and expressive language. It could also be used to target negation. This set includes:
    •2 sorting boards – one with visual support and one without
    •34 images of buildings that we work in.
    This pack can be combined with other categorisation packs, available on my website. (Please note that there may be a cross over with other sets such as 'where we buy things') Written in British English Suitable for Early years, Reception, Key Stage 1, SEN, and EAL
  • The Where We Work set set is a sorting activity targeting categorisation skills, receptive and expressive language. It could also be used to target negation. This set includes:
    •2 sorting boards – one with visual support and one without
    •16 images of buildings that we could live in.
    This pack can be combined with other categorisation packs, available on my website. Written in British English Suitable for Early years, Reception, Key Stage 1, SEN, and EAL
  • This pack contains:
    • 10 ‘Which unicorn is/does/can not…’ question worksheets
    • 5 negation sorting boards
    • 10 unicorn cards for making up your own questions
    • 20 symbol cards
    • Activity ideas
    Suitable for Early years, Reception, Key Stage 1, EAL, and SEN

    This set contains 117 colourful picture cards to be used alongside the phoneme sets found on my website to support students to move on to short phrases and sentences. These picture cards can also be used on their own to support the acquisition of adjectives describing: colour, feelings, condition, appearance, shape, size, taste, touch, quantity, position, state, time, and action. Written in British English, although suitable for American English
    Suitable for Reception, KS1, SEN, and EAL.
  • This set includes:
    •36 ‘What am I ? object question cards with three or four questions per card
    •36 ‘What am I? object question cards with highlighted clues
    •36 Object Images
    'gold' coins for scoring.
    Play this game in small groups or individually
    Targets the ability to make inferences from given information, categorisation, attention and listening, and receptive language skills.
    Written in British English.
    Suitable for Reception, KS1, EAL, and SEN
  • This set includes:
    •28 ‘Who am I ? animal question cards with three or four questions per card.
    •28 ‘Who am I? animal question cards with highlighted clues.
    •28 Animal Images.
    'gold' coins for scoring.
    Play this game in small groups or individually.
    Targets the ability to make inferences from given information, categorisation, attention and listening, and receptive language skills.
    Written in British English.
    Suitable for Reception, KS1, EAL, and SEN
  • This set includes :
    • 16 cards showing comparatives and superlatives in the correct order
    • 20 cards with questions working on superlatives
    • 28 cards with questions working on comparatives
    • 13 comparative and superlative adjective cards for a matching game – match the comparative or superlative adjective with the appropriate noun
    Targets: Understanding of comparatives and superlatives. Gives opportunities to discuss subjectively and objectively. Suitable for : Reception, Key Stage 1, EAL and SEN
  • Pesky Pets is a key word understanding game for individual students and groups. (21 pages in total.) This set includes: Instructions for key word understanding activities, Two large bed pictures. two large chair pictures and two large pet bed pictures, all in different colours. Seven different big and small dogs and seven different big and small cats. 36 cue cards. Targets: Key word understanding, attention and listening, working memory, basic concepts (colour, pattern, shape, size, etc.) expressive and receptive language skills. Suitable for: Reception, Key Stage 1, SEN, EAL
  • This pack includes four seasons sorting boards and three sets of cards to enable the teaching of seasons and months of the year as a step by step process, beginning with a high level of support and gradually taking away visual prompts. Each season has three associated month cards, and backgrounds in different shades of the same colour. Winter – Blue Spring – Green Summer – Red Autumn – Orange
    • Set One cards have season coloured backgrounds and pictures depicting events, activities and weathers for each month.
    • Set Two cards have season coloured backgrounds with written months
    • Set Three cards have season coloured borders with written months
    Suitable for Reception, Key Stage 1 and SEN

    ‘Going on Holiday’ focuses on the understanding and expression of ‘he and she’, ‘him and her’, and ‘his and hers’. The pack includes: three boys and three girls, each with a suitcase, 144 picture cards of clothing and accessories, and four season sorting boards for categorisation activities. Clothes have been divided into different seasons so you can use the game throughout the year using the clothes of the current season. Targets: Pronoun understanding and production, categorisation, and key word understanding. Suitable for: Early years, Reception, KEY STAGE 1, EAL and SEN

    Playing with Pronouns includes:
    • pictures of two male and two female characters, and three pairs of friends.
    • 24 pictures of toys or games
    • 42 prompt cards to support expression
    • a page with an empty bookcase to use for a barrier game
    This pack can be used to target 'he, she, him, her, his, hers, they, them, theirs’, but it can also target so many other areas: descriptive language; following instructions; auditory processing. You could even use it as a barrier game. Written in British English. Suitable for: Reception, Key Stage 1, SEN, and EAL
  • 58 questions and picture cards to target ‘who’. Uses pictures of people in the community (strictly speaking, the tooth fairy, Father Christmas, aliens and astronauts aren't in every community, but you know what I mean...) Written in British English. Suitable for: Reception, Key Stage 1, SEN and EAL
  • The Top Spot is a game that can be played in one to one sessions and in groups. The aim of the game is for the players to think of the most commonly suggested answer to a question. 36 question cards and instructions included (a bit like a famous TV family based quiz show). Targets: categorisation skills, auditory processing, turn taking, attention and listening, reasoning skills, team working, negotiation, using expressive language to predict and explain logic. Can also be played just for fun!! Written in British English. Suitable for Key Stage 2, secondary and adult
  • The Farm set is a sorting activity targeting categorisation skills, receptive and expressive language. It could also be used to target negation. This set includes:
    •2 sorting boards – one with visual support and one without
    •52 images of farm related items.
    This pack can be combined with other categorisation packs, available on my website. Written in British English Suitable for Early years, Reception, Key Stage 1, SEN, and EAL  
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