• The ‘t’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 14 sentences WM 12 sentences WF 14 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • The ‘k’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 14 sentences WM 12 sentences WF 12 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • The ‘d’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 10 sentences WM 14 sentences WF 14 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • The ‘th’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 1o sentences WM 12 sentences WF 12 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • The ‘j’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 14 sentences WM 12 sentences WF 12 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • The ‘ch’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 14 sentences WM 14 sentences WF 12 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • The ‘sh’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 12 sentences WM 14 sentences WF 10 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • The ‘z’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 10 sentences WM 12 sentences WF 12 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • The ‘s’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 14 sentences WM 14 sentences WF 14 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • The ‘v’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 12 sentences WM 14 sentences WF 10 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • The ‘g’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 14 sentences WM 10 sentences WF 12 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • The ‘f’ Initial Medial Final phrase and sentence set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to three target words. WI 14 sentences WM 12 sentences WF 14 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • Hide your minibeast in the picture scene and make a matching sentence on the sentence strip provided - it couldn't be easier! Targeting: prepositions, sentence construction using Colourful Semantics, following instructions and receptive and expressive language. Suitable for Reception, Key Stage 1, SEN and EAL  (British and American English)  
  • This set contains 19 Word Initial /f/ and /b/ pairs. Picture cards, and picture and word cards have been provided to make the set more flexible, meeting your client's abilities! Suitable for Reception, Key Stage 1, SEN, EAL
  • The ‘l’ Initial Medial Final phrases and sentences set contains carefully selected words and sentences which gradually increase in complexity, beginning with sentences containing one and increasing to four target words. WI 1o sentences WM 10 sentences WF 10 sentences Written in British English Suitable for Reception, EAL Key Stage 1 and SEN
  • Four reward charts and a certificate for unicorn fans!
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